KuponGid – this is not just another daily deals website. This is aggregation service where you can find all the daily deals at once from all websites!
Application collects offers from more than 200 daily deals website and displays all of them in a convenient way.
- All daily deals and discounts in your city (more than 150 cities)
- Discounts at once from all the daily deals websites (more than 200 websites)
- Search for daily deals on a map, offers near you
- Daily deals by category: Restaurants, Shipping, Beauty, Care, Travel, Shopping, Shops, Cars, etc. (More than 100 sub-categories)
- Convenient search helps to find the right discount for any keyword
- Comment on shares and share discounts in Twitter, MySpace and Facebook, etc.
Application from the largest aggregator of daily deals KuponGid (http://www.kupongid.com/), which has more than 600 000 people registered.
In numbers:
Daily application downloads more than 10 000 new daily deals.
Proposals from more than 200 daily deals websites: Biglion, KupiKupon, Groupon, Vigoda.ru, KupiBonus etc.
Discounts in 150 cities of the CIS in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhniy Novgorod, Samara, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Rostov, Kiev, Minsk, Astana, etc.
Discounts for 8 countries: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moladviya